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The A. D.D. Nutrition Solution: A Drug-Free 30-Day Plan by Marcia Zimmerman, M. Ed., C.N.

Beat Sugar Addiction Now! by Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, and Chrystle Fiedler.

USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans. 2010. www.cnpp.usda.gov/dietaryguidelines.htm.

Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity: Food & Addiction, www.yaleruddcenter.org/what_we_do.aspx?id=262.

Глава 1

The Discipline Book: Flow to Have a Better-Behaved Child from Birth to Age Ten by Martha Sears and William Sears.

Positive Discipline for Teenagers by Jane Nelsen, EdD, and Lynn Lott.

Глава 2. Часть I

Dietary Reference Intakes: The Essential Guide to Nutrient Requirements (Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2006), pp. 156–166.

Harvard School of Public Health: The Nutrition Source: Healthy Drinks, www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/healthy-drinks.

Kid’s Health from Nemours: Healthy Drinks for Kids, http://kidshealth.org/parent/nutrition_center/healthy_eating/drink_healthy.html.

Глава 2. Часть II

Sweet Deception: Why Splenda, NutraSweet, and the FDA May Be Hazardous to Your Health by Joseph Mercola and Kendra Degen Pearsall.

Whitewash: The Disturbing Truth About Cow’s Milk and Your Health by Joseph Keon and John Robbins.

Clinical Report Sports Drinks and Energy Drinks for Children and Adolescents: Are They Appropriate? http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2011/05/25/peds.2011–0965.full.pdf+html.

The American Academy of Pediatrics: The Use and Misuse of Fruit Juice in Pediatrics, http://aappolicy.aappublications.org/cgi/reprint/pediat-rics;107/5/1210.pdf.

Kid’s Health from Nemours: Caffeine and Your Child, http://kidshealth.org/parent/growth/feeding/child_caffeine.htm.

Kid’s Health from Nemours: Sports and Energy Drinks, http://kidshealth.org/parent/sports_medicine_center/q_a/power_drinks.html.

The National Dairy Council, www.nationaldairycouncil.org

Stevi. www.truvia.com.

SweetLeaf, www.sweetleaf.com.

Глава 3

Glycemic Index Cookbook for Dummies by Rosanne Rust and Meri Raffetto

Build Healthy Kids: Choosing Healthy Food, http://www.buildhealthykids.com/choosinghealthy.html.

Epicurious: Cooking with Healthy Whole Grains, www.epicurious.com/articlesguides/healthy/nutritiousdishes/grains.

Harvard School of Public Health: The Nutrition Source: Protein, www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/what-should-you-eat/protein.

Kid’s Health from Nemours: Hypoglycemia.http://kidshealth.org/parent/diabetes_center/diabetes_basics/hypoglycemia.htm.

Kid’s Health from Nemours: Type 2 Diabetes: What Is It?http://kidshealth.org/parent/medical/endocrine/type2.html.

The Whole Grain Council, www.wholegrainscouncil.org.

Глава 4

The Family Nutrition Book: Everything You Need to Know About Feeding Your Children From Birth through Adolescence by William Sears

Build Healthy Kids: Limit Treats, www.buildhealthykids.com/takel2snacks.html.

www.ChooseMyPlate.gov: What Are Empty Calories? www.choosemyplate.gov/weight-management-calories/calories/empty-calories.html.

www.ChooseMyPlate.gov: Empty Calories How Do I Count the Empty Calories I Eat?


Healthy Children: Snacking and Grazing, www.healthychildren.org.

Fit and Fresh Products, www.fit-fresh.com.

Глава 5

Beat Sugar Addiction Now! Cookbook: Recipes That Cure Your Type of Sugar Addiction and Help You Lose Weight and Feel Great! by Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, Deirdre Rawlings, and Chrystle Fiedler

Sweet Invention: A History of Dessert by Michael Krondl.

www.AIIRecipes.com: Baking with Sugar and Sugar Substitutes, http://allrecipes.com/howto/baking-with-sugar-and-sugar-substitutes (Note: Don’t use the sugar substitutes mentioned.).

Nutrition and Healthy Eating: Recipe Makeovers: 5 Ways to Create Healthy Recipes, www.mayoclinic.com/health/healthy-recipes/NU00584.

Глава 6

Guiding Stars, http://guidingstars.com.

Harvard School of Public Health: The Nutrition Source: How to Spot Added Sugar on Food Labels, www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/healthy-drinks/added-sugar-on-food-labels.

NuVal, www.nuval.com.

U. S. Food and Drug Administration: The Food Label and You Video, www.fda.gov/Food/ResourcesForYou/Consumers/NFLPM/ucm275409.htm.

U. S. Food and Drug Administration: Nutrition Facts Label: Programs and Materials,



Dr. Deborah Kennedy. www.BuildHealthyKids.com/blog

Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum. www.endfatigue.com.

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