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Список рекомендованной литературы

Список рекомендованной литературы

Abramson, John, Overdosed America: The Broken Promise of American Medicine, HarperCollins, 2004.

Baylock, Russel L., Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, Health Press, 1996.

Cohen, Mark Nathan, Health and the Rise of Civilization, Yale University Press, 1989.

Etcoff, Nancy, Survival of the Prettiest: The Science of Beauty, Anchor, 2000.

Fearnley-Whittingstall, Hugh, The River Cottage Meat Book, Ten Speed Press, 2007.

Furia, Thomas E., Handbook of Food Additives, The Chemical Rubber Company, 1968.

Gardeners and Farmers of Centre Vivante, Preserving Food Without Freezing or Canning: Traditional Techniques Using Salt, Oil, Sugar, Alcohol, Vinegar, Drying, Cold Storage, and Lactic Fermentation, Chelsea Green Publishing, 1999.

Elaine Hatfield, Mirror, Mirror. The Importance of Looks in Everyday Life, State University of New York Press, 1986.

Hill, Annabella, Mrs. Hills New Cook Book: A Practical System for Private Families, In Town and Country, Applewood Books (факсимиле оригинала 1867 года).

Hurley, Don, Natural Causes: Death, Lies and Politics in Americas Vitamin and Herbal Supplement Industry, Broadway, 2006.

Jablonka, Eva, and Marion J. Lamb, Evolution in Four Dimensions: Genetic, Epigenetic, Behavioral, and Symbolic Variation in the History of Life, MIT Press, 2006.

Kassieer, Jerome R, On the Take: How Medicines Complicity with Big Business Can Endanger Your Health, Oxford University Press, 2004.

Katz, Ellix Sandor, Wild Fermentation: The Flavor, Nutrition, and Craft of Live Culture Foods, Chelsea Green Publishing, 2003.

Kipple, Kenneth F. and Kriemhild Conee Ornelas (eds.), The Cambridge World History of Food, Cambridge University Press, 2000.

McWilliams, James E.,A Revolution in Eating: How the Quest for Food Shaped America, Columbia University Press, 2005.

Moynihan, Ray, and Allan Cassels, Selling Sickness: How the Worlds Biggest Pharmaceutical Companies are Turning Us All into Patients, Nation Books, 2005.

Pollan, Michael, In Defense of Food: An Eaters Manifesto, Penguin, 2008.

Price, Weston Andrew, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, 2008.

Ravnskov, Uffe, The Cholesterol Myths: Exposing the Fallacy that Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease, NewTrends, 2000.

Smith, Jeffrey M., Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies about the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods Youre Eating, Yes! Books, 2003.

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